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On the Corner with EPOC | Country headed in the right direction, says visiting J'can

Published:Tuesday | May 22, 2018 | 12:00 AMErica Virtue/Senior Gleaner Writer
Caios Levy, a Jamaican who lives in Canada.

Caios Levy, a Jamaican who lives in Canada, is convinced that positive things are happening in Jamaica, despite the high crime rate and the widening economic gap between rich and poor.

On one of his frequent trips to the island, Levy dropped in on a Gleaner on the Corner with the Economic Programme Oversight Committee forum in Nannyville Gardens,

St Andrew, last week. He expressed delight at the variety and quality of Jamaican goods that are now available.

"For the first time in years I am coming back here, and the local banana is prominent. Boom, I don't have to ask if it's local. Before that, when I came here two years ago, I couldn't see the difference," said Levy.

"As a people, we have to take pride in ourselves and our country. That is what is going to sustain us," added Levy, after sitting quietly through most of the forum while other residents spoke out.

Levy said that he travelled to Jamaica often, not only on vacation, but for good Jamaican food.

"Every time I come here, I can sense the difference, although some people are saying that they don't see a difference," said Levy as he added that the improvements in the island are most obvious in goods produced or manufactured here.


Middle class


He urged Jamaicans to understand that the improvements will not be felt by everyone at the same time.

"Every time there is a natural disaster or a big setback in Jamaica, it takes time to get back to what it was before," declared Levy, who expressed concern about what he said was a growing disparity between rich and poor in Jamaica.

"Jamaica has not yet developed a middle class, but I firmly believe that will come, and when the middle class is there, you will have that trickle-down effect."