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Gleaner Editors' Forum | My vision for Jamaica is:

Published:Monday | November 5, 2018 | 12:00 AM
Jemelia Blythe
Andre Robb
Nicholene Witter
Rory-Craig Walker
Gavin Lindsay
Shawneil Miller

When asked what was their one vision for Jamaica, young Jamaican entrepreneurs under the Youth Leadership of the Americas Initiative (YLAI) responded:


Jemelia Blythe- 

To manifest what we continue to say: To make Jamaica the place to work, live and raise families.


Andre Robb - 

A place where everyone is respected, gets to express their creativity, and that whatever you choose as the means of fulfilling your life's work, it's something that you are able to do.


Nicholene Witter - 

We come together, build sustainable partnerships, to work together for the good of the country.


Rory-Craig Walker - 

For us as a people to stop fearing the unknown.


Gavin Lindsay - 

To understand that we have a unique brand name that can be sold to anyone across the world.


Shawneil Miller - 

To have more sustainability and regulation in place to assist the market to be able to function.