I stand with Peter - How the PNP’s political representatives line up behind Phillips, Bunting
With nomination week set for later this month and an election for leadership of the People’s National Party scheduled for September 7, the prospective candidates have each been pushing hard to show the level of support they have from their party colleagues at all levels. While it will ultimately be the delegates who decide, both Dr Peter Phillips and Peter Bunting will want to know the political representatives who control the delegates are with them. Things may change, but so far, here’s how it’s lining up for the incumbent and his challenger.
Who stands with Peter Phillips
Phillip Paulwell
Natalie Neita – campaign chairman
Wykeham McNeill -“He is tried, tested and proven. Massive amount of internal work done, plus impressive line-up candidates in place.
Mikael Phillips – “Peter Phillips is the best prepared person for Prime Minister of Jamaica”
Dwayne Vaz – could not be contacted
Lisa Hanna -
Dr Morais Guy -
Denise Daley-
Andre Haughton.
K D Knight
C aretakers/Candidates
Wavell Hinds
Venesha Phillips
Valerie Neita-Robertson
Dr Shane Alexis
Joan Gordon-Webley
Ewan Stephenson
Senator Damion Crawford
Who stands with Peter Bunting
Robert Pickersgill
Dr Dayton Campbell
Ian Hayles
Luther Buchanan
Colin Fagan
Michael Stewart
Mark Golding
Ronnie Thwaites
Derrick Kellier
Dr Fenton Ferguson
Dr Angela Brown-Burke
Richard Azan
Noel Arscott
Evon Redman
Victor Wright
Anthony Hylton
Patricia Duncan Sutherland
Michael Hemmings
Andre Hylton
Val Wint
Cannot declare as part of secretariat:
Fitz Jackson – PNP chairman
Horace Dalley – deputy chairman
Julian Robinson – general secretary
Senator Wensworth Skeffery – deputy general secretary.