Fri | Sep 20, 2024

Port Maria transportation rift settled

Published:Monday | December 18, 2023 | 12:08 AMGareth Davis Sr/Gleaner Writer

Port Maria, St Mary

Normality is expected to return to the transport sector in Port Maria, St Mary, after the Transport Authority (TA) rescinded its decision to allow some taxi operators to utilise the transportation centre, which sparked protest from bus operators last week.

The decision by the TA comes against the background of a protest by minibus operators last week Monday, who withdrew their services over what they claimed was a unfair advantage on the part of taxi operators plying the Grants Town to Ocho Rios, St Ann, route.

A spokesperson for the irate bus operators, Marlon Bell, had earlier raised concerns that taxi operators from Grants Town were encroaching on their passengers, causing them to lose valuable income as their buses were left empty as a result of the decision to allow those taxis to utilise the transportation centre.

In the meantime, Ralston Smith, managing director of the TA, pointed out that they met with bus operators following the protest action last week and that the minibus drivers had outlined their dissatisfaction, which, according to him, has now been settled.

“All the issues were placed on the table, and we sought to come up with appropriate solutions to the problem,” he commented.

“Of concern was the Grants Town taxi operators that the bus operators indicated have ventured into the Port Maria transportation centre and, therefore. we have taken the decision to treat with that particular issue, and I believe that for the most part, all the parties are satisfied. The bus operators are, seemingly, more satisfied with the outcome of the meeting.”

As was customary, the Grants Town taxis were expected to terminate their services in that community but were allowed to park and engage passengers in the transportation centre. This created a rift among bus operators who protested that decision after claiming that those taxis were infringing on their passengers.