Sat | Sep 7, 2024

J’can official to throw first pitch at MLB game to raise funds for UWI

Published:Friday | May 17, 2024 | 12:13 AMLester Hinds/Gleaner Writer
Jamaican Consul General in Miami, Florida, Oliver Mair.
Jamaican Consul General in Miami, Florida, Oliver Mair.

Jamaica’s Consul General to Miami, Oliver Mair, will toss out the first pitch at tonight’s Major League Baseball (MLB) game between the Florida Marlins and the New York Mets to raise funds for the Friends of the University of the West Indies Development and Endowment Fund.

When he makes that first pitch at the game, Mair will become the first Jamaican consul general to be accorded such an honour.

Carla A. Seaga, executive director of the University of the West Indies Development and Endowment Fund (UWIDEF) and a board member of the Friends of the UWIDEF, told The Gleaner that the Marlins organisation reached out to them and offered to have the first pitch tossed by a representative of the Friends, and Mair, who himself is a graduate of The UWI, was selected for the honour.

“While this is to raise funds for the Friends of the University of the West Indies Mona campus, we cannot say how much will be raised. What we are hoping for is that this will raise the visibility of the Friends of UWIDEF so people will know about the organisation and can contribute to our work,” said Seaga.

The UWIDEF has existed for more than 30 years, and the Friends of the UWIDEF is a 501 C-3 non-profit organisation registered in the state of Florida.

“At UWIDEF, our mission is to support the advancement of the university as the Caribbean’s leading intellectual centre. None of the work UWIDEF undertakes would be possible without grants, gifts, and monetary contributions from the private sector and individual donors. For this reason, UWIDEF has an annual campaign to raise funds through its Each One Give One Programme (EOGO),” Seaga said.

Ambitious project

In addition, with the increasing challenges associated with raising funds, UWIDEF has embarked on an ambitious income-generating project, its MonaView Digital Signage System, where digital advertising generates revenue and provides the institution with immediate communication throughout the campus.

“UWIDEF is committed to remaining transparent and accountable to its donors. In this regard, UWIDEF ensures that reports are always accurate and available,” said Seaga. “We take great satisfaction in being able to contribute significantly to the university and look forward to the continued support of our valued donors.”

She said that “our mission is to support advancement, making a difference”.

Funds raised by the Friends of UWIDEF have been used to provide scholarships to students, assist with welfare for students such as accommodation, fund research, increase access to education, and enrich the quality of the UWI Mona campus.

Seaga pointed out that all funds raised are used solely for the Mona campus.