Tue | Oct 8, 2024

‘Preaching Policeman’ promoted to sergeant

Cyril Francis’ elevation a testament to leadership, dedication

Published:Tuesday | October 8, 2024 | 12:09 AMRuddy Mathison/Gleaner Writer
Cyril Francis being affixed with his chevon by Christopher Phillips. acting ACP for Area 5, last Friday.

Renowned for his commitment to both his police work and his ministry, Cyril Francis – affectionately called the ‘Preaching Policeman’ – has been promoted to the rank of sergeant after 19 years of service as a corporal.

The promotion, announced in last Friday’s Force Orders, is being celebrated, particularly across Area 5, where Francis serves. It comes as a recognition of his tireless efforts and strong leadership skills.

A longstanding member of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) and an active participant in the JCF’s Area 5 Chaplaincy Unit, Francis is known for blending his law enforcement role with his spiritual calling.

His public preaching and community ministry have earned him respect from colleagues and the communities he serves.

Assistant Commissioner of Police (actg) Christopher Phillips, on behalf of the commissioner of police, pinned Francis’ chevron during a ceremony last Friday as he congratulated him.

“Cyril is a committed and invaluable member of the Chaplaincy Unit,” Phillips remarked. “His work in community engagement across Area 5 has been exemplary, and he has proven himself to be an ideal candidate for leadership within the officer ranks. We will certainly be following his continued progress.”

The celebration marks yet another milestone in Francis’ career. He was promoted to corporal on December 1, 2005 by then Commissioner of Police Lucius Thomas, in recognition of his outstanding work in the Guy’s Hill community in St Catherine.

His latest elevation is not just a personal achievement, but a triumph for those who have worked alongside him and have seen his dedication firsthand.

“As I step into this new role, colleagues and the communities I serve will witness the continued impact of my leadership and ministry,” the newly minted sergeant said.
