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Let’s all partner to solve crime

Published:Monday | April 9, 2018 | 12:00 AMCarlos Pipher


'Don't hide it, tell it, solving crime pays' is a tag line for the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) on solving crime. Getting information on criminal activity in a timely manner is very critical for apprehension. This calls for a civil intelligence network on crime, i.e., using the citizenry as a vanguard. The ordinary Joe and Jane on the streets or in the communities are the ones who usually see and know the perpetrators.

This partnership can only be done through mutual trust and police-citizen cooperation. Interestingly, sometimes valid information is within a group that is taken to the station for questioning, but the information is not gained by the police because of the environment in which it is asked. Informants are a necessary part of the equation. Let them be the extended eyes and ears of the police.

Enhance the intelligence capability of the security forces and employ cutting-edge technology where needed. Good intelligence will lead to surgical operations and apprehension. Robust case management and a swift judicial process will result in increased success on crime reduction.

The approximately 2.8 million people should not be solely dependent on the estimated 15,000 members of the security forces to prevent and solve crime. Let us all assist the security forces by telling what we know regarding criminal activity and get in operation mode to assist in preventing and solving crime.