When did we get this way?
We have Jamaican leaders squabbling over credit for a highway that Jamaicans didn't finance, Jamaicans didn't build, and whose revenues do not accrue to Jamaicans.
We also have prime real estate abutting the highway, owned by the Chinese. How did that happen?
Jamaicans will not see a dime of revenue from the use of this overpriced highway, until decades from now. I will be dead before this highway reverts to Jamaican ownership.
When did we get this way? Weak, subservient, unsure of ourselves, and fighting for credit for something we didn't create.
We must change our mindset to allow for our liberation. We couldn't develop the know-how, source the equipment and financing to build that thing ourselves?
I see Ed Bartlett, a very smooth and competent man, running around promoting the tourism product, but your heart sinks when you consider that he's basically an indentured servant for the foreign-based overlords that control the Jamaican tourism infrastructure.
When did we get this way? We're not brave and bold and clear-eyed about our independence again?
Paul Haye
Fairview, NJ