Sun | May 12, 2024

We need better public servants

Published:Saturday | November 26, 2022 | 12:05 AM


Cordiality, camaraderie and civility are sadly lacking in and outside of Jamaica’s Parliament. The disrespectful, behaviour that ensues during parliamentary sittings and on political platforms is cringeworthy, unsettling and shameful.

Thankfully but disappointingly, cordiality and decency return to Parliament only on rare occasions, such as the special sittings of the House. This is when when tributes are paid to a retiring parliamentarian or to a former or current member of parliament who has died. Or it is during the Governor General’s Throne Speech or when a foreign dignitary is visiting the country.

During normal sittings of the House, however, shouting matches, insult-throwing and crass behaviour seem to be commonplace.

Recently, Member of Parliament Everald Warmington sank to a new level when he stated that Opposition Leader Mark Golding should not think of being the prime minister of Jamaica, because of his skin colour. Subsequently, he was criticised by the Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica and other private sector and civic groups and individuals.

Jamaica needs far less public servants like Warmington and far more leaders like Keith Duncan. The former is rude and aggressive while the latter is cordial and positive.