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Rockfort Mineral Bath shouldn’t be out of reach for locals

Published:Friday | January 12, 2024 | 12:06 AM


I write in response to Carolyn Cooper’s column, “Rockfort Mineral Bath still closed”, published on Sunday, January 7. As a resident of the Rockfort community, I found this article very interesting. It’s an eye-opener. I would like to thank Miss Cooper for quite frankly raising issues that are indeed simple and easily understood. I totally agree that the Caribbean Cement Company Ltd. (CCCL) cannot refurbish the Rockfort Mineral Bath without a lease agreement. What I know for sure is that the new management of CCCL did a superb job on their Sports Complex facility, located next to the Dry Dock. It’s a state-of-the-art facility for workers, which includes a basketball court and a masterpiece of a bar lounge. If the CCCL’s lease agreement for the mineral bath had been renewed, the rest would be history.

On the issue of security, guards are still at the bath. In addition, employees go to the bath on a daily basis and are paid a salary as if the facility is in full operation. Residents of the community talk about this situation all the time. And the CCCL is blamed for the closure of the bath! Thank you for shedding some clear light on the subject and informing the public about what is happening. What is troubling is that it seems as if the Jamaica National Heritage Trust has plans for the bath that would make entry very expensive for locals. This cannot be. It is clear that the order of the day is based on the money-makers, with no thought of the people of the country. I used to walk to the mineral bath on weekends. My sons would go there daily as we live close by. When my relatives visit from the country or overseas, the mineral bath was their place of choice. Seniors and others would do their morning walk or jog, and they would finish their exercise routine at the mineral bath. Residents usually use the venue for pool parties and various other functions, including family retreats.

I believe that the government has the development of the country at heart. But they are totally lost about what to do in the best interest of the people. As far as I can see, the government does not negotiate with foreign investors on behalf of the Jamaican people. They do not seem to take into account the livelihood or income of the majority of us. They allow investors to come in this country and do as they please, with no regard for the people. As the famous saying goes, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” But it’s the other way around in Jamaica. I say this because investors from various countries come here and do what they want. For example, they pay low wages and there’s nothing we can do about it. We are suffering as a people in this country. And we can’t even get any relief by soaking in the healing water of the Rockfort Mineral Bath.