Mon | Sep 16, 2024

Randia Coakley weighs in on recent wellness journey

Reflects on weight loss, improved confidence

Published:Wednesday | September 4, 2024 | 12:09 AMKrysta Anderson/Staff Reporter
Coakley walks the streets of Italy, very mindful of the lifestyle changes she’s made.
Coakley walks the streets of Italy, very mindful of the lifestyle changes she’s made.
After: It was a hot girl summer for travel enthusiast Randia Coakley. Although she acknowledges she still has a long way to go, she’s happy with how she looks now and feels more confident.
After: It was a hot girl summer for travel enthusiast Randia Coakley. Although she acknowledges she still has a long way to go, she’s happy with how she looks now and feels more confident.
Mirror, mirror on the wall, Coakley sees health and wellness as the greatest of all.
Mirror, mirror on the wall, Coakley sees health and wellness as the greatest of all.
Before: Randia Coakley enjoys a much-needed pool day before embarking on her weight loss journey. At her heaviest, she weighed 223 pounds.
Before: Randia Coakley enjoys a much-needed pool day before embarking on her weight loss journey. At her heaviest, she weighed 223 pounds.

Randia Coakley has always been comfortable in her own skin, crediting the Caribbean for her confidence since the region is known for celebrating thicker women. But one conversation with a close friend sparked an interesting perspective, leading this travel expert to embark on one of her greatest adventures yet. Today, she reflects on her recent wellness journey.

“I wanted to lower my body mass index and body fat, because I want to be healthy as I get older. I’m working to prevent some common issues in the Black and Caribbean community, like high cholesterol and diabetes which both can be very serious. Plus, a bonus of this journey is that my clothes fit better, and I’ve always loved fashion. Now, it feels like there are more options that look even more flattering on me,” she told Lifestyle.

Exercising twice a day, except on Sundays, Coakley usually has one session with a personal trainer, Ryan Payne or Christal ‘Peach’ Mackey at a small gym. The other session consists of a 15-minute cardio workout usually done at home.

“I prefer the gym because it holds me accountable and provides a game plan for more effective workouts. Having a ‘body mechanic’, more commonly known as a trainer helps to stay on track. They created a game plan, showed me how to do things correctly, and all I had to do was show up and move. It made the whole process a lot easier because I didn’t have to think. I just followed their lead and got my workouts done,” she highlighted.

During the week, she mostly engages in evening sessions, unless her afternoon work or hangout schedule is going to be busy. If that is the case, she will adapt and do morning workouts. “The goal is to never miss my sessions. I have to make all my classes in a week and that’s what keeps me motivated. However, on Saturdays, I work out in the morning at my own pace since there’s no rush to go to work,” she revealed.

‘I’ve transformed my cravings’

When it comes to diet, Coakley shared that she could never deny herself a meal. Not one for breakfast, her first savoury indulgence typically comes at noon, with hearty portions, followed by a second meal before 8 p.m.

“If I get hungry in between, I’ll make another meal. I eat when I’m hungry but I stick to clean eating. I’ve transformed my cravings into healthier versions. If I want lasagna, I use eggplant instead of pasta. If I want fries, I make my own at home with butternut squash in the air fryer. The key is cooking at home so I can control what goes into my meals,” she said, adding, “I haven’t cooked with oil since January! However, life isn’t perfect and I have to eat while on the road some days. So for on the go, I have a list of places and the meals at each I know are clean and tasty. I eat mainly vegetables and meat with small amounts of carbs, and I always ask for a saucer on the side so I can control the amount.”

Repeating her steady exercise routine, while adding fun activities like playing pickleball, taking pole classes, walking, and doing pilates, kept things interesting for the gym enthusiast. And ultimately, the workouts plus clean eating resulted in unbelievable weight loss.

At her heaviest, she was 223 pounds. Now, she is down to 178 pounds. “My BMI went from 39.5 per cent to 31. And my body fat dropped from 49.3 per cent to 38 per cent. It feels amazing sticking to this commitment. It has made me feel proud of myself.”

Coakley revealed that the journey has even changed her travel lifestyle. “I’m more health-conscious now. When I travel the same way, I search for tour activities to do, picking fun workout sessions. For instance, when I was in Italy, I did a pilates class. When I was in Fort Lauderdale, I did a bootcamp class at a trendy gym.”

Noting that she has a long way to go, she is happy with how she looks now and feels more confident about how everything fits. She’s already excited to put in even more work and see where it takes her. “I’m continuing this journey; it’s a lifestyle for me now. My next goal is to add pilates to my active routine because it’s great for stretching and core strength.”

Her advice to those struggling with weight loss is to get a regimen in place and treat it like a job. “Commit to three to four gym sessions a week, eating clean with lots of vegetables and meat or protein. Here’s a big tip: stop going out to eat with friends all the time. Instead, suggest activities like hiking, going to the river, or trying fun and trendy activities like pole classes.”