Teachers aren't trying to frustrate Dalley, says JTA president
Jamaica Teacher’s Association (JTA) President Doran Dixon says he is amused by recent statements attributed to Minister with responsibility for the Public Sector, Horace Dalley.
The minister is reported to have said in an email that he will not be frightened by the many teachers who have been texting and emailing him daily in relation to their wage claim.
The nation’s teachers have asked the government for a 25 per cent wage increase over the next two years.
However, the government has offered them a five per cent increase over the period.
Dalley had promised to review the matter and get back to the teachers within 14 days.
Teachers have reportedly been instructed to bombard the minister with texts and emails as a reminder that time is running out.
Speaking with The Gleaner/Power 106 News Centre last night, Dixon insisted that the association is not trying to frustrate Dalley.
Dixon says the minister is entitled to answer his emails as he sees fit.
However, the JTA president says Dalley must remember that he is a public official and members of the public have a right to bring their concerns to him.