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West Kingston Enquiry: Cop says Plantation Heights would have been best place to catch Dudus

Published:Tuesday | May 26, 2015 | 12:00 AMLivern Barrett, Gleaner Writer

The West Kingston Commission of Enquiry has heard evidence that Jamaican law enforcement authorities explored the possibility of taking drug kingpin Christopher 'Dudus' Coke into custody outside of his Tivoli Gardens stronghold.

Deputy Commissioner of Police Glenmore Hinds says the police felt that Coke's private residence in Plantation Heights in Upper St Andrew, "was the best place to take him into custody."

However, Hinds said that never materialised.

"There was a series of legal and diplomatic initiatives taking place at the time so we did not have a warrant [for his arrest]", he explained.

Coke was eventually captured one month after a bloody operation in West Kingston aimed at arresting him.

More than 70 people were killed when members of the security forces went into the community.