Boscobel Primary gets computers
Students and teachers at Boscobel Primary School in St Mary celebrated on Tuesday after an initiative led by the Sandals Foundation and the Ministry of Education (MoE) resulted in the institution receiving more than $1 million worth of computer and library equipment.
Following a brief ceremony to mark the opening of the newly refurbished computer room and library, the Sandals Foundation's director of programmes, Heidi Clarke, noted that, since 2009, her organisation has helped construct five computer laboratories in schools throughout the Caribbean.
She told Rural Xpress: "Today, we have opened a refurbished computer lab and bathrooms here at Boscobel Primary, and that is just another extension of our commitment to education.
"We're thrilled to be able to do this in partnership with MoE, the school, and its board. This is just our way of supplying the children with much-needed technology that opens their eyes to the world and enables them to reach their potential.
"Often, rural areas like this get forgotten about, but the children here are just as important as those in the cities. They are connected to us and we have an opportunity to provide this equipment and give them ongoing support so they can share in what we're doing."
The school's principal, Perleta Trail, praised the initiative noting that three classes would now be able to use the laboratory every day. She said: "This will really make a great difference to the development of my students because we cannot teach them with just chalk and talk.
"They need technology to broaden their scope, build upon their knowledge, and help them to know what's happening in other parts of the world."
- O.M.