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UTech talks tough, will not change new registration system

Published:Wednesday | July 22, 2015 | 12:00 AMJovan Johnson, Gleaner Writer
The University of Technology's registrar, Dr Elaine Wallace, says the policy will remain in place although she admits that the timing of its implementation may have taken students by surprise.

The University of Technology (UTech) says it will not change its new registration policy although special considerations are being made for certain groups of students.

UTech’s student government has expressed concerns about the new system which demands that students pay part of their tuition before they are allowed to register for their courses.

The university's registrar, Dr Elaine Wallace, says the policy will remain in place although she admits that the timing of its implementation may have taken students by surprise.

She explains that the university assumes that students have their finances sorted out before attempting to enroll for school and therefore it should not be difficult to pay the required fee to register for courses.

Dr Wallace explains that special considerations are being given to students whose tuition will be paid by the Students’ Loan Bureau (SLB). 


UTech 's registrar, Dr Elaine Wallace

Under the new registration plan, which was announced last week, new students and those benefiting from the SLB should pay $20,000 while others must pay $50,000 in order to register for their courses.

UTech argues that the plan is necessary because in the past, some students selected courses yet failed to pay the required fees which prevented other students who could pay, from enrolling in classes.

However, students have complained that the plan represents an additional financial burden.

Classes begin on August 24.