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They made the news last week!

Published:Friday | November 27, 2015 | 12:00 AM
Simpson Miller


Portia Simpson Miller:


After putting the nation on election alert for weeks, the prime minister and People's National Party president used a meeting in St Elizabeth to indicate that Jamaicans would not be going to the polls this year, sparking a new round of speculation as to when will she 'fly the gate'.


Andrew Holness:


He has been on the campaign trial spreading the word about how a government led by him would make Jamaica a better place, but faced with verbal barbs from the PNP about the house he's building in St Andrew, the Jamaica Labour Party leader had to declare, "hop off mi fender", as he fired back at the "bad-mind" Comrades.


Dr Alfred Dawes:


The immediate past president of the Jamaica Medical Doctors Association gave his first public presentation since his sudden resignation weeks ago, and it was not a scalpel in his hand as he cut into the rotting underbelly of the public-health system.


Earl Witter:


The former public defender took the witness stand at the West Kingston Commission of Enquiry, and in his usual feisty style asserted that the many deaths recorded during the May 2010 security forces operation in West Kingston could have been avoided if the extradition request for drug kingpin Christopher 'Dudus' Coke was not delayed by the then administration.