Sat | Sep 28, 2024

Sagicor Sigma Run to 'Donate a Share' for children

Published:Wednesday | February 1, 2017 | 12:00 AM
Runners go off in the 2016 Sagicor Sigma Run

On Friday, Sagicor Sigma Corporate Run will launch the inaugural 'Donate a Share Day' on social media. The interactive campaign will be geared at raising awareness for the plight of three beneficiaries: Bethlehem Home for Abandoned Children, the Spanish Town Hospital Special Care Unit, and mandeville Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

Through this 24-hour campaign, everyone will be asked to simply donate at least one Facebook, Instagram and Twitter post Sigma Run in hopes of engage Jamaicans worldwide. Persons are invited to visit the Sagicor Group social media pages, copy the picture and text, then share to their respective social media pages to increase awareness.

Ingrid Card, vice-president of Sagicor group marketing, remains confident that the 'Donate a Share' campaign will go a long way in bringing global awareness to such worthy and needy causes.

"This year, we have implemented a new and interactive social media campaign that can encourage all Jamaicans, no matter their location, to give back to those in need by simply sharing their status. Our Sagicor Sigma Corporate Run target for 2017 is to raise J$60 million, so it is important that we not only build awareness of the causes, but also find a medium that can inspire others to get more involved in charitable causes," Card said.

She continued "The Sagicor Sigma Run team cannot do this alone. We must rely on the participation of others through fundraising and donations to improve the lives of our children."

Persons who wish to donate to these three beneficiaries can visit and type Sigma Run in the search bar or the Sagicor Group Jamaica website.