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Ask the Doc | It's OK ask Dad to make time for you

Published:Monday | March 13, 2017 | 12:00 AM

Q My father is now a CEO of a local company. Now he is double busy. Is it okay for me to ask him to block out time for us each week?

AIt is your right to ask your father for your time. Do so as quickly as possible.


Need to talk to my guidance counsellor


Q I need to tell my guidance counsellor that her daughter is doing bad things at school. She has a stern demeanour and I am afraid to approach her. What can I do?

A Thank you for caring enough to want to help. You may leave a note at the office in a sealed envelope for the guidance counsellor. You may also ask another teacher who you are comfortable with to give the counsellor the note confidentially.


Seeking help for grief


Q My friend's mother passed away last week. Her father is not coping well. Is it okay for me to tell them about counselling?

AIt is great that you have seen the need for counselling to help your friends. You may even get the names and contact information for some counsellors and psychologists for your friends to choose from.

- Orlean Brown-Earle, PhD, is a child psychologist and family therapist. Dr Brown-Earle works with children with learning and behavioural problems throughout the island and in the Caribbean. Email questions to or send to 'Ask the Doc', c/o The Gleaner Company, 7 North Street, Kingston. Responses to concerns are to be considered as general, as cases shared with psychologists privately would be queried more deeply. Pray always!