LASCO brings cheer to health centres
LASCO Breakfast and Baby Care brought new year cheer to the mothers and nurses at the Bogwalk, St Catherine, and Windward Road, Kingston, health centres recently.
In support of mothers, LASCO provided a lively and informative talk on breastfeeding and breast care hosted by LASCO/Nurses Association of Jamaica Nurse of the Year Natalie Hylton-Levy and second runner-up, Michelle Graham.
LASCO also supplied each mother with a gift bag containing samples of Jack and Jill diapers, Jack and Jill wipes, Curves sanitary napkins, LASCO Toothpaste, LASCO instant chocolate mixes along with brochures and the LASCO 2018 calendar.
"Maternal and baby health are definitely important because children are the future," said Krishta-Gay Lewis-Harewood, LASCO Breakfast and Baby Care brand manager.
"LASCO has a wide variety of products for not only babies, but also mothers. We definitely had to come to bring some cheer to our mothers and to everybody here, but more importantly, we had to make sure they got to know and understand the importance of nutrition not only for them, but also for their child," stated Lewis-Harewood.
According to Tanya Edwards-Johnson, registered midwife at the Windward Road Health Centre, external educational reinforcement by the LASCO team was the highlight of the occasion.
"It's a great engagement. We talk to the mothers one-on-one all the time, but the level of engagement they gave to the nutritionist and nurse of the year today surprised the entire team," Edwards-Johnson said.
"The discussion really opened up the mothers' views on the variety, affordability, and quality of products available to them to assist in raising their child and taking care of themselves. And it helped to reinforce what we preach about maternal health, so they finally understood, it's not only nurse that says so," she added.
LASCO has been committed to building a bright and healthy future for Jamaicans for more than 10 years. Everyday families are able to pamper their bundles of joy from day one and through each stage of their growth and development.