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Hello Mi Neighbour | Comfort someone in need

Published:Tuesday | May 29, 2018 | 12:00 AM
From an early age, human beings learn to appreciate comfort and will do whatever it takes to find and maintain it.

Hello mi neighbour! How comfortable are you? Are you physically fit without aches and pains or any other form of discomfort? Give thanks - it won't last forever. How about your job?

Comfortable and secure with a good salary, attractive health and retirement benefits complemented by company vehicle, housing allowance, vacation benefits and all? Perks, perks, perks? Feeling good all over?


Give thanks, but remember...


I have never met anyone for whom comfort, in all its facets, is not a serious priority. Have you? Depending on our personality, we find comfort in different ways. One may find comfort in a day by the beach, while another finds it in the forest or by the river, etc. Little babies often find comfort on the mother's breast, sucking the finger or just being cuddled by friendly hands.

From an early age, human beings learn to appreciate comfort and will do whatever it takes to find and maintain it. The young child will rant and rave until he/she receives reassuring comfort and the wife may sulk until she hears the comforting words: I love you.

People seek comfort from material things like brand-new motor vehicles, clothing, shoes, cell phones and furniture, etc. Oftentimes in the process they incur heavy debts which only lead to misery instead of comfort. One must therefore exercise wisdom in his/her pursuit of happiness.

You can learn a lot from many who sought comfort by cruel and illicit means and end up paying heavy fines or serve jail term instead. We take, for instance, the child molester or the rapist who for him was only "seeking comfort".


Comfort comes at a price


One thing we should never forget is that comfort comes at a price. Whether we seek comfort for ourselves or others, if we are not smart and tactful we can do more harm than good.

Let me share a few thoughts on how to comfort neighbours under various circumstances. If your neighbour's husband has passed, use words like "I know what a loss this is for you, and you can rest assured I'm here if you need me. You may also offer to run an errand or prepare a meal for the family. Do not say, "He lived a long life," as the mourner maybe thinking "gone too soon".

If your friend is getting a divorce, don't panic and get into a state of shock. People are divorced every hour of the day for a variety of reasons.

Assure the friend that you will always be there for him/her, without seeking to know all the details of the divorce. And please, resist the temptation of sharing an opinion on other party. Life is funny and within a few months they could be back together again, happier than before. Show that you care by your prayers and a shoulder to lean on in times of need.

If your co-worker has been laid off, whether or not he/she was your favourite person, show empathy and care. Share a comforting word like "I'm very sorry to hear the news" or, hang in there!" In addition to words of encouragement, see what practical assistance you can offer. Your effort will be highly appreciated.

One thing, do not ignore this individual as it could add insult to injury.

While at it, please comfort someone from the list below with a gift of their choice.

Until next time, "Tell them that the "Comforter has come..."


Thanks to neighbours


- Molly, for clothing and other goodies;

- Joan, St Andrew, for clothing;

- Jean, St Andrew, for clothing

Neighbour for financial contribution;

- John St Andrew, for clothing.


Opportunities to help


- Sister Alicia, unemployed - asking for a sewing machine;

- Jennel, St Ann, mother of 4. Met upon hard times and needs help with food building;

- Neighbour, Romayne is in urgent need of dialysis. Unable to work - no money. Also needs of food etc.

- Neighbour, child's father died. Needs help to pay school fees;

- Joyce, St Catherine, needs financial help for blood test - $3000. Also needs food.

To help, please call Silton Townsend @ 334-8165, 884-3866, or deposit to acct # 351 044 276 NCB. (Bank routing #: JNCBJMKX) or send donations to HELLO NEIGHBOUR C/o 53 Half Way Tree Road, Kingston 10; Paypal/credit card: email: Or contact e-mail Mr Townsend exclusively manages the collections and distributions mentioned in this column and is neither an employee nor agent of The Gleaner