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Corporate Hands | Amalgamated Distributors Limited resuscitates Heart Foundation

Published:Tuesday | July 24, 2018 | 12:00 AM
From left: Volunteers Chad Hill and Jason Peynado and Amalgamated Distributors Limited’s (ADL) brand manager of the BEEP line, Jhordanne McDonald, devoted time and effort last Saturday during a special upliftment exercise led by ADL at the Heart Foundation of Jamaica’s Beechwood Avenue location in Kingston. ADL, which recently launched the new packaging for its cost-effective line of BEEP air fresheners and disinfectant sprays, contributed approximately $200,000 in cash and products as a means of providing necessary equipment and improved surroundings for the cardiology unit at the facility, which offers education, early detection and rehabilitation services for Jamaicans with heart-related conditions at reduced costs.
Heart Foundation of Jamaica’s senior manager of marketing and fund development, Karen Anderson (foreground), and Amalgamated Distributors Limited’s (ADL) brand manager of the BEEP line, Jhordanne McDonald, joined forces last Saturday during a special upliftment exercise at the Heart Foundation of Jamaica’s Beechwood Avenue location in Kingston to provide necessary equipment and improved surroundings for the facility’s cardiology unit.