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Diary of a Ghetto Priest | Let us live 'The Parables' at the Little Theatre!

Published:Thursday | July 26, 2018 | 12:00 AMFr Richard Ho Lung
The prodigal son (right) and his father from the ‘The Parables’ by Father Ho Lung and Friends at the Little Theatre from August 18-19 and 25-26.

"Teacher, we want to see a sign from you."

Jesus, so wonderful, so powerful, so kind, has already given a sign. He has come down to Earth to His people, sent by His Father. And He has forgiven us of our sins. He has wiped away sins, the source of division between us. Sin divides, forgiveness unites. Think of the parable of the prodigal son. The unity in family life or between friends is the sign of God's love and His presence among us.

Is there anything more miraculous than forgiveness? Love heals, and all those who are sick suddenly rejoice. All of a sudden, tears turn to laughter, lifelessness comes to life, sadness becomes joy, hatred turns to love, and the heart of man is filled with life, wanting to live, love, laugh - and so, cripples walk, the blind see, ears once deaf begin to hear.

With Christ's presence - the God of forgiveness and mercy - among us, miracles are plenty. Love, which shows itself mostly in the forgiveness of one another, walked the face of Earth in the person of Christ. "Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sinned against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from all evil," He prayed.

Christ, God Himself forgives our sins as we ourselves forgive one another. Miracles of healing happens - signs that God is here. Miracles of love, simple acts. "I am sorry", "forgive me", "I am wrong", "I made a mistake", "I am to be blamed." All simple apologies that break down the walls of resistance between people.

Micah 7 tells us: "Who is a God like You, who takes away guilt and pardons wrongs? Who is like You, whose anger does not last? For You delight in merciful forgiveness ... . You will show us Your loving kindness and trample on our wrongs, casting all our sins into the depths of the sea."




Last week, I had to speak to two brothers who were angry with their father and with each other.

"But Daddy, I have worked harder for the company, more so than your favorite son, Eugene. I have laboured and slaved in this retail business night and day since I was a teenage boy. I have learned everything from you and brought up the business so that now we have four retail shops," the son argued.

Lester, the father, said, "But your brother Eugene, he went to America and started overseas and womanised and divorced his wife. He is foolish and has no common sense. He has come back to Jamaica and wants to be with you. He needs help. He needs to be welcomed. Once, he tried to commit suicide. Eugene is your brother. Forgive him, Justin. He is your own blood. He wants to amend his ways. I really believe so."

Justin said bitterly, "You will regret it. You always loved Eugene more than me. No matter how I worked hard."

Lester answered, "He will be given half the property, and you will be given the other half. You must look after him when I am gone. You are the older and the wiser."

Eugene just started going back to church.

I am glad to have known these three men.