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Hello Mi Neighbour | To plan and execute adds meaning to life

Published:Thursday | July 26, 2018 | 12:00 AM
Plan and implement with all possibilities in mind and you’ll have a fair chance of a quick bounceback whenever disappointment strikes.

Hello, mi neighbour! They may seem similar, but no two days are ever the same. Some days are better than others, and no one knows what the next minute, hour or day brings. It may bring expected or unexpected joy, sorrow, or a fulfilled dream.

Whatever a day brings to us is ours. Bitter or sweet, if we try dodging it, it finds us wherever we are. Cornered, maybe, but not hopeless. Wisdom dictates that despite our uncertainties about the future, we should leave nothing to chance. It's inhuman not to plan and execute our plans to the best of our abilities at all times.

To plan and execute adds meaning to life, grouped with the countless privileged who enjoy the fruit of their labour daily. It also allows us to contribute to the well-being of our neighbours. The harvest we reap today as a result of seed sowed yesterday is not only for personal consumption, but to share with others. In the business of sowing and reaping, the harvest is usually far more than what one person can consume. So we must share.

As we sow with a bumper crop in mind, let's remember that whatever happens between sowing time and reaping time is entirely out of our hands. The farmer may sow his cabbage seeds under the best conditions, but he doesn't know when a praedial larcenist or natural disaster will strike. Planning with such reality in mind works as a buffer against mental devastation whenever these misfortunes occur.




As it is for the farmer, so it is for everyone else. Plan and implement with all possibilities in mind and you'll have a fair chance of a quick bounceback whenever a disappointment strikes. Every day, somebody goes off his/her rockers because an investment failed, a promising relationship turned sour, a job is lost, or a possession is repossessed.

As people face disappointments despite crossing all the 'T's and dotting all the 'I's, one is tempted to ask if there is any sense in trying. "Why not just live and let whatever happens happen?" they may ask. Sadly, many have taken that approach to life and have become a nuisance to many!

So, what am I saying? Despite tomorrow's uncertainties, we must plan and work hard for awesome outcomes but bear in mind that these are not determined by us. The One who determines outcomes usually examines our motives and does what He deems best under the circumstances.

If our motives are wrong in whatever we seek to accomplish, we may ultimately experience negative outcomes. With right motives, even if outcomes seem negative, no sweat, God who sees and knows everything rewards those neighbours with right motives in unusual ways - but it is all good.

Those who therefore "love thy neighbour as thyself" and "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" receive unusual blessings.

Please help someone from the list in love.




- Neighbour - for financial contribution.

- Miss Maitland, St Andrew - offering children's clothing, a stroller and a car seat for babies.

- Mrs McNabb - for offering clothing.

- Mr Nelson - for donation.




- Rose, St Mary, unemployed - asking for fabric to make pillow cases as a livelihood in the interim. Also needs a dresser, chairs.

- Neighbour - asking for a sewing machine

- Stacey-Ann, St Catherine - single mother needing help with back-to-school expenses.

- Julene - mother of four asking for help with back-to-school - books, bags, etc.

- Jennel, St Ann - single mother of four fallen on hard times asking neighbours for help with food. Also needs building materials to build a little place and string beans to plant.

To help, please call Silton Townsend @ 334-8165, 884-3866, or deposit to acct # 351 044 276 NCB. (Bank routing #: JNCBJMKX). Send donations to HELLO NEIGHBOUR c/o 53 Half-Way Tree Road, Kingston 10 Paypal/credit card email: Or contact Mr Townsend exclusively manages the collections and distributions mentioned in this column and is neither an employee nor agent of The Gleaner.