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Nykefah Nairne gets into street evangelism

Published:Sunday | September 29, 2019 | 12:25 AM
Nykefah Nairne
Nykefah Nairne

Street and transport evangelism isn’t new. In fact, the practice of preaching on certain buses was banned a few years ago after several complaints were lodged by commuters.

However, quite rarely do you find those delivering sermons on public transportation to be as young as 20-year-old Nykefah Nairne.

“Evangelism for me started on a very personal level. I used to privately spend time with God, praying, reading the Word for hours upon hours – just to seek Him – until eventually, one day He led me to share a Word publicly through Facebook live.

At first, I was hesitant because I was worried about what I would say and how persons would react. I also never felt ‘good or qualified enough’ to be speaking a Word to persons, moreover to be doing it publicly. Eventually, I did, and many lives were touched,” she said, adding that once she made that public step, God began to continuously use her to speak as He led.

Nairne, who attends the Light of the Gentiles International Church in Kingston, told Family & Religion that before she got to ministering on public transportation, she always admired those preachers who did.

And unlike many commuters who are openly annoyed by the practice, she admitted to finding sermons on buses to be refreshing and powerful.

“I’ve also heard my pastor (Dean Smith) share his testimony on how he used to do it, and that also inspired me even more. For the month of September, my church’s focus and vision has been “GO!” as we are being urged to go evangelise and tell others about God. They would go on Fridays collectively, but because of the timing, I couldn’t make it until one Sunday, I was in church, my pastor was preaching, and God began to speak to me personally about going on the bus to preach.

“I was willing, but I cried a bit because I never thought I was ready. Nonetheless, God was serious, and I rather look silly to man than to have been disobedient to Him. Upon leaving church, I saw a JUTC bus going my way, but out of nervousness, I said to God, “ please let it pass”, and it did. Eventually, I couldn’t run, and I ended up taking another one afterwards as I clearly heard God tell me “GO!” Nairne said.

She shared how nervous she was still feeling and that God provided her with the strength she needed to carry out His instructions.

According to Nairne, “I stood up, began to share my testimony, and then began to share the Word and told the people to repent.

“The persons on the bus were quite shocked and very silent at one point, but they were listening attentively. They took heed, and some even had tears in their eyes as I pleaded with them. The overall response was good. glory to God.”

The young evangelist revealed that the video of her sermon, which was posted to social media, has since been met with mixed responses.

“It has gone viral, and though there are encouraging comments and messages, there are also some that are very rude, some calling me derogatory names and throwing curses, but nonetheless, the good ones have been outweighing the bad ones,” she said.

However, she added that she neither regrets posting the video nor spreading the Gospel on any platform at all.

According to Nairne, “Whether persons agree or disagree or they like me or not. And yes, if I was led to do it again, I would.”