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Understanding Yahweh Final –Part 7

Yahweh and Christianity – not one and the same

Published:Sunday | January 12, 2020 | 12:48 AMPaul H. Williams - Sunday Gleaner Writer
Omar Thompson, leader of the Qahal Yahweh.
Omar Thompson, leader of the Qahal Yahweh.

For the past few weeks Family and Religion has been exploring the Yahweh religion. This exploration was motivated by the stand-off and the dramatic removal of children by the police and military from the Qahal Yahweh compound in Paradise, St James.

There were many media stories and allegation against the leader, Omar Thompson, and his brother, Javaughn Thompson, and other members of the compound. The allegations had legal implications, but up to press time, there are no reports of anybody being arrested and charged relating to the November 2019 events.

Outside of the legal issues, Yahweh was painted as a cult whose dogmatic leader and members have treated some former members with malice and cruelty. Some of such former members, too, told their stories, which did not paint a pretty picture of the leaders, and, by extension, the congregation.

Thompson himself alleged that they were being persecuted because “we are not Christians, we are not fornicators, we are not liars, we don’t go to church and we don’t serve Jesus Christ”. He regards traditional Christians as heretics. His utterances created some amount of confusion among many people who thought Yahweh is a Christian denomination.

It turns out that it is not, and like Christianity it has several branches/denominations, some of which, as reported, are established right here in Jamaica, and which have distanced themselves from the allegations pointed at Qahal Yahweh, and have made it clear that the congregations are not affiliated.

Connected or not, they share some fundamental beliefs that set them apart from Christianity, and have beliefs that are similar to those of Christianity, such as that of the Trinity – The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit/Ghost. The name of The Father is Yahweh/God, who is the supreme ruler over everything. He is to be worshipped and adored. And his name is shrouded in reverence.

For Yahweh, The Son, The Messiah, is named Yahshua, which means ‘Yahweh saves’ or ‘Yahweh is salvation’, and is a contraction of YAH from Yahweh and SHUA from Hoshua. He came in His Father’s name, “and is the only name that offers salvation to all those that would call upon it”. He existed before he came to Earth as a human, born of a virgin through “Yahweh’s own power”. He lived a sinless life, and was killed upon a stake. He died to atone our sins, and on the third day he ascended, and has become the intercessor between man and Yahweh.

For Christianity, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, born of the virgin Mary is the son of the living God. He died to save the world from sin after being crucified upon a cross. Three days after he died, he ascended to Heaven, back to his father.

The power of Yahweh is demonstrated through the Holy Spirit, which is an invisible force, which in Christianity is called the Holy Ghost. This power is also bestowed upon the Son, and is received by those who are baptised in the name of Yahshua/Jesus. Through The Holy Spirit/Ghost, converts receive Yahweh’s/God’s strength to overcome sin and live a repentant life. In opposition to the Holy Spirit/Ghost there is Satan, a spirit who was cast out of Heaven because of “his pride”, and who will eventually be punished in a “lake of fire” called Gehenna/Hell.

The lesson learned from this interesting exploration is that allegations and media stories are just what they are, allegations and media stories. They report on what is happening and what is being said. But, they can also lead to further research to clarify and verify bits and pieces of information that were either misconceived and/or misunderstood, and that were underpinned by assumptions.

In this particular case, though there is the belief in the Father, Son and Holy Ghost/Spirit, and in biblical Scriptures, and in the stories of the crucifixion and resurrection, Yahweh and Christianity are not one and the same, in many respects. And between them there is some amount of tension.