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Wisynco lends support to Bull Bay residents

Published:Friday | March 27, 2020 | 12:21 AM

WISYNCO GROUP Limited, through its purified water brand WATA, and juice drink Freshhh, have contributed to the much-needed supplies to aid residents of Bull Bay in St Andrew. The area has been under mandatory quarantine by the Government of Jamaica (GOJ) since March 13 following the discovery of the island’s first COVID-19 case there.

Some 16,000 500ml bottles WATA and approximately 2,500 bottles of Freshhh orange juice were donated on March 18 via Food For The Poor, one of the non-governmental organisations (NGO) drafted by the GOJ to assist with the distribution of essential items from the checkpoints set up in the Seven Miles and Eight Miles areas of Bull Bay.

Marketing coordinator for WATA, Tiffany Simmonds, explained that “we decided to make the contribution when the plight of the residents in the area was broadcasted in the media.”

Residents quarantined took to social and traditional news media with complaints of their inability to replenish food supplies due to the imposition of restricted movement outside of the community; and loss of income due to absence.


In a bid to assist the Government in beefing up its initial efforts to lend assistance to the indigent and elderly in the area, Wisynco facilitated the donation to help supplement the hundreds of care and food packages currently being disseminated to the households in the area.

Director at Food For The Poor, Kivette Silvera, said, “Food For The Poor has been collaborating with our distribution networks and strategic partners to channel food and relief items to those most in need, including persons affected in quarantine zones.”

Residents affected by the quarantine have received aid in the form of food items such as rice, cornmeal, potato casserole, red kidney beans, as well as hygiene products.

“We continue to provide on-the-ground support as well to as many families as possible. As we know, staying hydrated helps to keep the immune system strong and so hydration is critical at this time. Therefore, Wisynco’s donation of 500 cases of water will help to keep affected persons hydrated, while significantly supplementing the provisions that are being distributed in the areas affected. We truly appreciate Wisynco’s commitment and timely assistance,” Silvera continued.