Battlefield of the mind
As we continue in the series ‘This is Who I Am’, let’s look at an important area that can rob us of the freedom to walk in our true identity. When we know who we are and start walking in that authority, sin no longer has dominion over us. Wrong thoughts and feelings won’t have dominion over us. However, Satan’s kingdom is based on fear and hate. This has resulted in a world of unforgiveness, anger, worry, slander, filthy language, sexual immorality, and more. These are meant to destroy us. When we live like that, we are polluting our spirits, corrupting our minds, degrading our bodies, and living outside of our identity.
When the enemy has dominion over our mind, we struggle with negative thoughts that are relentless. The Lord knows the mental and emotional struggles we’re going through, and He wants to set us free. When we know who we are and start walking in that authority, we will have victory over negative thoughts.
Strongholds are arguments/mindsets and lofty opinions in our head and heart that want to take the place of God in our lives. They usually take the form of a personal attitude such as worry and fear. Strongholds in our minds are areas where Satan has been able to dig in and create an area of rule, as a result, we have a mental block and we can’t think properly. Sometimes it is a place that is a blind spot where other people can see something wrong, but we cannot.
In order to overcome and walk in our God-given identity, there are a few things that we need to do.
1. Weaponise the Word.
We have to identify our strongholds and find scriptures that neutralise the effect of that habit or vice. For example, to conquer anxiety, look at Philippians 4:6-7.
2. Become a student of the Word.
If we want victory, we must be students of the Word. We have to read it, meditate on it, and apply it. It has been proven that Christians who are engaged in scripture four or more days of the week have greater victory in their faith.
3. Pay attention to and take control over your thoughts.
The Bible says: “… as a man thinks in his heart, so is he … .” Prov 23:7 (KJV).
We can train our minds to think like God thinks and to have the mind of Christ. If we don’t choose our thinking, the devil is going to poison our mind. We cannot be passive. We must learn to compare our thoughts to the Word of God, and if it does not line up with the Word of God, we can refuse to think that. Counteract it with the Word of God.
4. Use words to shape our world.
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it.” Proverbs 18:21
What you confess over your life is what your life will become. Never underestimate the power of our words. Our thoughts and, ultimately, our words are seeds and containers of power. They will produce a harvest of either blessing and health or sickness and destruction.
For those of us who are born-again believers, we can:
• Take authority over unclean spirits and break their power over our lives in Jesus’ name.
• Command them to go and to be cast out of our life in the power and authority of Jesus’ name.
• Ask the Father for the grace, power, and ability to renew our minds as we meditate on the Word.
You see, our thoughts, words, and actions become our character. Let us take control first in our mind and then in the other areas of our lives so that we can live out our true identity!