Sun | Sep 29, 2024

False idols influencing the vulnerable in society

Published:Sunday | October 4, 2020 | 12:06 AMDamalio Powell - Contributor

As the days go by, persons are being influenced less by religion and selflessness and more by vanity and celebrities. What is not clear to the youth is that most of these celebrities are on depression medication or have negative coping methods for their personal problems. Young people see these celebrity relationships online and on television and aim to have them, not understanding that it’s mostly a money-grabbing effort.

Young boys who grew up without fathers will often seek to fill the void by following and trying their best to imitate the most immoral, or, in their eyes, masculine, man who everyone knows. Likewise, young girls will often fall prey to the influence of powerful women who seem sexually liberated, only to end up being used and disposed of in their relationships with the opposite sex.

Most relationships are no longer based on family and love but greed and narcissism. Modern relationships have now become a game of which partner can exploit the other the most. Many of these celebrities and social-media influencers will be quick to advise on how to maintain a marriage while simultaneously cheating on their partners.


The idea of having it all has corrupted the youth of today, to the point where they will do anything to get what they want, even if they have not earned it. The morals of kindness, forgiveness, and commitment are now being replaced with values of greed and selfishness. Man cannot do without God, and where there is no supreme being, then one will be created with the use of imagination. Many people use to laugh at certain religions for animal worship. However, the society that we live in aims to create a god out of mortal beings.

The values that were once admired are now being laughed at. Many things that would not have been acceptable years ago are now becoming the norm. In our society, things are loved, and people are used. We have gone forward in the advancement of technology, but we have gone backwards in the advancement of humanity. If we are to see a society of love and selflessness, then the right value will need to return.