Rising from the ashes
Soroya Fyne-Sinclair says God remains faithful through her trials
Wherefore seeing we also are encompassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. Hebrews 12:1
Soroya Fyne-Sinclair has had her faith in Christ tested on numerous occasions, and despite happenings in her life that may have seemed severe and even unfair, the woman of God maintains that His faithfulness is constant and consistent.
In fact, despite the horrific nature of her trials, she has concluded that throughout her personal difficulties, God continually provided, strengthened, comforted, and supported her and her family.
Fyne-Sinclair, who is a senior educator, shared with Family and Religion a few instances in her life when her faith came into play.
“The year was 2018, [on] Wednesday, January 24. I got a call from my husband that I should come home. I was at work engaged in parent consultation. He knew this, and so I was confused about his request. Strange enough, he did not want to share the details over the telephone. Something was not right. His voice said it all. I went home to a burnt home, lost almost everything. I was three month’s’ pregnant at the time, but in everything, despite of, God was faithful,” Fyne Sinclair told Family and Religion.
Distraught but hopeful, the trusting woman and her family built from the ashes. However, it was a little over a year later when her family was met with another great test of faith.
She recalled: “We were all heading to work. My husband, sister, myself along with my then eight-month old baby [who would have been dropped off at the sitter]. I want to pause here and say it is always best to listen to the voice of God. Sometimes I would feed my baby on the way to work, but a little voice said, ‘Put her in the car seat. I obeyed. I remembered we were talking, and the next thing I knew was that I was in excruciating pain. I woke up in the hospital. We were involved in a massive car accident that wrote off our car. To date, I still have no memory of what happened. I was found lying horizontally on top of the back seat, unconscious. In everything, despite of, God was faithful.”
Fyne-Sinclair noted that in moments where she felt overwhelmed, she was able to find encouragement and strength in the word of God, which assured her that she had everything she needed. She lauded her husband Leonard for his unrelenting support.
“Each new day is another opportunity to start again to place my trust in God and focus on surrendering my circumstances. My tests have given me the opportunity to write a testimony that has been documented in the book When Faith Has To Be Enough. The book is available on Amazon. When you are in need of encouragement, don’t give up. Know that you are not alone. Trust God in the difficult times. He will see you through. God is faithful and has given us a powerful weapon to use against Satan’s attacks on our faith.”