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Woman power: Carolyn Russell-Smith grooms young women with Christian principles through dance

Published:Sunday | November 14, 2021 | 12:07 AMTamara Bailey/Gleaner Writer -
Owner and Operator of Khulcha Dance Theatre Carolyn Russell-Smith.
Owner and Operator of Khulcha Dance Theatre Carolyn Russell-Smith.

Owner and Operator of Khulcha Dance Theatre Carolyn Russell- Smith (front right) with her girls.
Owner and Operator of Khulcha Dance Theatre Carolyn Russell- Smith (front right) with her girls.

MANDEVILLE, Manchester:

“Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” Proverbs 31:30

FOR DECADES, owner and operator of the Khulcha Dance Theatre in the parish, Carolyn Russell- Smith, has made it her duty to inspire women across the island to stand in their integrity, be graceful in their approach and become women of substance, even while de-stressing and having fun with dance.

But what sets her apart is her strong focus on Christian principles that form the very foundation of what she teaches.

“Every child knows that when they come to class they must learn to pray. Some of them may have parents that may not be Christian or Christian like, but that has been a part of our school. The students must know that there is a Creator and once you put Him at the helm, then you can have nothing but good outcomes.”

Known as the second mother to the thousands of children who have passed through her hands since the 1980s, Russell-Smith said her life’s mission is to make every child she comes in contact with knows love.

“We share love as a family and this love goes beyond blood relation. There is no tearing down, but how to release stress, especially in these COVID times. It’s about showing children how to give back to their community, their church and how to share with others.”

Though she is always expecting that the values taught will take root in these children, Russell-Smith said she was pleasantly surprised by a gesture her students made to give back to the institution that has given so much to them recently.

“We are not perfect, but we try to live by example at Khulcha. It brought tears to my eyes when I realised the students were putting back into something that poured into them. They realise that they got something to cherish and feel good about and they want others to experience that.”

Student of the dance theatre, Celine Nicholson, said that Russell-Smith has given her the opportunity to channel emotions and understand the uniqueness of individuality.

“Khulcha is a home away from home and Mrs Russell- Smith is not just our dance teacher. She is a mother, a disciplinarian, and one who is sure to instil good morals and values in every young girl who is given the opportunity to step foot through her doors. It’s not about looking pretty, but sending a message that will be felt.”

She said it is for this reason that she rallied her friends, who, within a week, were able to raise $40, 000 to help with the building of the school.

“We are confident and we do believe in the message and the impact of Khulcha and we want it to be more far reaching, impacting someone else as much as it impacted me and all the other girls…”

Having travelled with her students across the world, Russell-Smith revealed that it is important for them to know that love transcends all boundaries and that the love of God truly radiates.

“I am hoping to build a legacy, that whoever will take over from me will exercise love and build on what I have left behind. I am not building a dance school for gyration, I am building something of value. As my husband said to me the other day- this is my ministry through which young girls can be saved.”

With her students moving on to becoming a force to reckon with across varying fields in and out of Jamaica, Russell-Smith told Family and Religion she lives for the opportunity to see children transform and become better versions of themselves.

“I call them my children and those who have gone on to start their own families, those little ones become my grandchildren, too. You would be surprised to see how children transform by just receiving love and attention.”

Russell-Smith said some adults often downplay the roles they play in a child’s life, but it behoves them to teach life lessons, self-love, God’s love and ensure that what they do now their future selves can thank them for it.