Mount Salem Primary School in Montego Bay, St James, is now better equipped to provide for the needs of its 567 students, following the donation of an industrial-grade refrigerator and freezer from Gateway Cooperative Credit Union in partnership with the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) Basic Needs Trust Fund (BNTF). The CDB BNTF refurbished several classrooms under its last project cycle. The school also participated in the CDB’s BNTF Three Island assessment to identify the capacity needs of its beneficiaries, upon which the school was invited to participate in a regional proposal-writing workshop put on by the bank. Building climate resilience and supporting gender mainstreaming were two of the cross-cutting themes incorporated into the workshops. This led to the partnership and donation from the Gateway Co-operative Credit Union. Here, Nicole Haughton of Gateway Co-operative Credit Union (left) and Danielle Simpson (right) from the CDB’s-BNTF, implemented through the Jamaica Social Investment Fund, join hands to deliver vital equipment to Dr Ann Shaw, principal of Mount Salem Primary.