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HELLO MI NEIGHBOUR | Real peace is not priceless

Published:Sunday | December 10, 2023 | 12:14 AM

Hello mi neighbour! The Bible says, “Blessed are the peacemakers”, loving peace, desiring or even seeking peace, may not yield the desired results, for those who would be at peace with self or others. This kind of peace comes to those who are willing to make it. The fact that there are so many peaceless people in our world is testament to the fact that real peace is not priceless.

Oftentimes we hear people say “for a peaceful life, I keep myself to myself”. They don’t get involved in what does not concern them personally. They stay far from anything or anyone who could threaten their personal peace. Those who attempt to breach their code of conduct do so to their own detriment. Say what?? They live in a bubble where there are no conflicts, no misunderstanding, and just fun and laughter all day long. Don’t disturb the lion, however, peaceful he seems.

Mark you, I believe that because peace is so critical to our well-being and yet so fragile, once you have found some, you must endeavour to keep it out of the reach of ‘peace robbers’. Mean people and some extenuating cirumstances are the main culprits. This precious ‘commodity’ is hard to make/find and hard to keep. Peace robbers are everywhere! We live with them, sleep with them and eat with them. They enter our relationships, families, minds without an invitation.

Many times to find and keep peace, we must wage war. The greater the need for peace, the more intentional and intense the war. And what is peace? Two friends respond: Allison said, “It’s a feeling of tranquillity that because we can give everything to Jesus, all is well with our world.” Tammy said, “It is a state of mind, that no matter what is happening to you or around you, you are contented.” What’s your thought? How do you know when you are at peace? Share. According to Billy Graham, peace can be experienced only when we have received divine pardon – when we have been reconciled to God and when we have the harmony within, without fellowman and especially with God.

“Great peace have they that love thy law and nothing shall by any means offend them.”

So you know that you are at peace when nothing offends you

Living in peace is about living harmoniously with yourself and those around you. Living in peace is both an outward and an inward process. Outwardly, it’s a way of life in which we respect and love each other in spite of who we are, and political differences. Inwardly, we all need to search our hearts and minds and understand the fear that causes the impulse for violence. In continuing to ignore the rage within, the storm outside will never subside. While you will find your own meaning of a peaceful existence according to your beliefs and lifestyle, there are some basics that cannot be overlooked. Here are the steps which can help you to discover your journey towards living in peace.


Seek to love, not control others

Ceasing to seek power over people and outcomes in your life is the first major step to living peacefully. Trying to control people is about seeking to impose your will and reality on others without stopping to see their side of things. A controlling approach to relationships will keep you in conflicts with others. Replacing a will to control with a broad approach of loving others instead, including their faults and differences, is the way to a peaceful life.

We embrace a life of peacemaking, even knowing that peacemaking requires humility of spirit. Peacemaking requires sacrifice of privilege and power. Peacemaking requires acts of great courage, risking suffering and even death.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God. And children will live for ever and ever free of pain, misery and suffering in the earth made new. PEACE!


1. Sandra, St Ann, house was destroyed by fire – seeking help to build a bathroom. She is unemployed.

2. Phyllis, Hanover, unemployed – seeking assistance with board and zinc to build a little house.

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