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Hello mi neighbour | Work with the Master’s master plan for your life

Published:Sunday | May 26, 2024 | 12:10 AM

Hello, mi neighbour! How are the older relatives these days? Since some of them may not see this article, please pass on this message to them for me. “Get pen ‘n’ paper”. Tell them that if they want to be happy from here on, they need to bear some of these things in mind. There’s a clear distinction between ageing and thriving.

As the years roll on, embracing certain habits can lead to joy and fulfilment rather than stagnation and depression.

Please let them know that they still have the power to choose and practise behaviours that can shape future happiness. Got that?

While they are not too old to learn, they should not be bothered too much about what others think. Of course, wise counselling could be very useful at any age, mark you. Just don’t allow the opinions of others to cause them to adjust their long-term plans. I once heard of an elderly mother who lost her house, and her health, because a younger relative persuaded her to make a bad choice.

It is critical that you plead with them not to hold on to grudges! One single grudge will sap their energy and rob them of happiness. Someone said that a grudge is like “carrying around a heavy backpack filled with rocks. Every time I thought of this friend, instead of remembering the good times, all I could think about was this one incident”. What misery!

Relief came, however, upon deciding that it was time to let it go. After a long and awkward conversation, both parties eventually apologised to each other and rekindled their friendship. The moment she “dropped that grudge, it felt like dropping that heavy backpack”. And yuh know, it could have caused her to “drop out”?


Note carefully that seniors should not neglect physical health! By the age of 60, most persons lose about 30 per cent of their muscle mass, as a natural part of ageing. This can lead to a lower quality of life and decreased happiness. But hold on to your towel – don’t throw it in yet! Fight! Meditation, exercise, even just walking for 30 minutes a day, can significantly improve your strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular and overall health!

And I implore you to implore them not to resist change as their lives are being reset for the rest of the journey. Change is a part of life. As we move through different stages, we are constantly evolving and adapting to new circumstances. But sometimes, we resist change. We want to hold on to the familiar. Just imagine your fruit tree resisting change.

This resistance can grow stronger with the passage of time. Whether it is embracing new technology, accepting changes in our physical abilities, or adjusting to an empty nest, resisting change can lead to frustration and unhappiness.

Friends, change is not something to fear. It’s an opportunity to learn, to grow and to experience new things.

And don’t forget this point: advise them not to live in the past if they want to be at peace! A senior once shared this story: Years ago, I found myself constantly reminiscing about the “good old days”. My children were grown and had left home, and I was missing the hustle and bustle of those early years. It was easy to find myself stuck in the past, wishing for what once was. As soon as I realised that it was futile to live in the past, I made the switch to the present, where I am now having the time of my life!

Your 60s and beyond can be a little bit of heaven on earth if you work with the Master’s master plan for your life.

Until next time, “read your Bible, pray every day and grow, grow grow… .”


1. Stove

2. Refrigerator

3. Bed

4. Food

5. Help with medication

6. Financial assistance to start a little business

To help, please call Silton Townsend @ 876 649-9636 or deposit in acct #351 044 276 NCB. Alternatively, send donations to Hello Neighbour C/o 53 Half-Way Tree Road, Kingston 10; Paypal/credit card: email: Contact email: Visit Townsend exclusively manages the collections and distributions mentioned in this column and is neither an employee nor agent of The Gleaner.