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Hello mi neighbour! | The secret to longevity

Published:Sunday | August 18, 2024 | 1:57 AM

Hello mi neighbour! Most of the people that I know like the idea of living long. Among them are those who take the necessary steps, not just for longevity, but for a healthy one. They:

· Eat a healthy diet

· Pay attention to their weight

· Don’t smoke or use tobacco.

· Keep their brain active.

· Are kind to themselves.

· Get regular medical checkups.

· Stay away from alcohol, etc.

It is said that a healthy diet will keep skin, teeth, and eyes healthy while supporting muscles, boosting the immune system, strengthening the bones, and lowering the risk of heart disease and diabetes etc. A healthy diet also helps with healthy pregnancies, breastfeeding (listen up ladies) and the functioning of the digestive system. Take a pause: if you haven’t had any water since morning, please drink a glass now! Apart from being the best drink for mankind, the moment you take the first sip, it will begin the process of ridding the body of waste ... . Okay, lemmi also drink a glass. Ahhhh, that was good.

Another thing to pay attention to as you aim for the healthy 100 mark is weight! Not many people know that health problems begin when someone is even slightly overweight. Yes sir/madam, do your research and take action to avoid the unnecessary stress and suffering as you age. And, while you are at it, check out these: the effect of smoking tobacco, the importance of keeping the brain active, showing kindness to self and others, and getting regular medical checkups, etc. And don’t forget these: eat well, exercise regularly, get plenty of sleep, and stay away from bad habits and bad company.

Here are some facts from which you could draw inspiration along your journey: the average age in some countries today is 79 years. A century ago, it was between 50 and 60. Dr Marie Bernard of the National Institute on Ageing says that nowadays, if you make it to age 65, it’s likely that you’ll make it to 85. If you make it to 85, the likelihood that you’ll make it to 92 is very high. And this is a global picture. Getting the picture? Great!

A long-term study of Seventh-day Adventists, a religious group that preaches a health message, shows that they tend to remain healthier into old age. Their life expectancy is nearly 10 years longer on average. Their age-enhancing behaviours include regular exercise and a vegetarian diet.

But, when all is said and done, while foods, exercise, medication and meditation and the likes may play a vital role in our longevity, there is something even more vital that we need to practise for more meaningful longevity and lasting peace and happiness. And I quote: “ Honour your father and mother so that it may be well with you, and that you may live long on the earth.”

This means:

· Treating them with kindness, consideration, and dignity.

· Listening to their guidance and following their advice (when reasonable).

· Appreciating their love, support, and sacrifices.

· Showing concern for their well-being and helping them when needed.

· Letting go of past conflicts and resentments.

· Spending time with them and engaging in activities they enjoy.

· Being there for them emotionally and practically.

· Being truthful and transparent in your interactions with them.

· Expressing thanks for their presence in your life.

· Continuing their values, traditions, and heritage.

And I leave this one with you from the Bible: “He that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile: let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and persue it.” And, most importantly, people who live their lives in comformity with the teachings of the Bible, live forever. Live forever, people!



1. Stove

2. Refrigerator

3. Bed

4. Food,

5. Help with medication

6. Financial assistance to start a little business live

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