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Rusea’s classmates join forces to give back to the school

Published:Tuesday | August 20, 2024 | 12:08 AMBryan Miller/Gleaner Writer
The 5C Block at Rusea’s High School.
The 5C Block at Rusea’s High School.
President of the Rusea’s High School 5C graduating Class of 1997, Dr Maureen Nelson (centre left), presenting principal of the school, Mrs Donna Anderson (centre right) with items for the 5C classroom, while present and former students and some teachers
President of the Rusea’s High School 5C graduating Class of 1997, Dr Maureen Nelson (centre left), presenting principal of the school, Mrs Donna Anderson (centre right) with items for the 5C classroom, while present and former students and some teachers share in the moment.

Western Bureau:

The 32 students of Form 5C from the Class of 1997 at the Rusea’s High School, in Hanover, have formed themselves into a group and are now giving back to the school as a part of the process to improve the teaching/learning conditions there.

The past students, who have dubbed themselves ‘Rusea’s High School 1997, 5C Graduating Class, which is led by its president, Dr Maureen Nelson, retired principal of the Montego Bay Community College, donated equipment valued approximately J$200,000 to the school yesterday.

“We have decided as a group that the first project we would embark on is the renovation of the 5C classroom that we had used as students,” Nelson told The Gleaner following a brief handover ceremony inside her old classroom.

“Our project includes three things; one, to purchase a whiteboard for the classroom; two, to install three ceiling fans; and three, to change all the louvre windows in that classroom,” added Nelson, who stated that the group’s goal is to make that old 5C classroom a model classroom.

Once the group is through making 5C the classroom they want it to be, the plan is to move on to other projects at the school, as the goal is to do as much as they can to improve the entire plant.

“Our motive is that our contributions must assist in improving the teaching/learning environment at the institution,” said Nelson, who wants the entire school to benefit from their efforts.

Nelson further told The Gleaner that the group is currently having an inaugural week of reunion activities, which started with a church service on Sunday at the United Church, in Lucea, and the handover of the items yesterday. There are several social activities planned for the remainder of the week.

Donna Anderson, principal of Rusea’s, who is also a past student at the school, was gracious for the items from Nelson’s group, and expressed her appreciation on behalf of the school community.

“These items are more than a token. It’s really helpful because it will allow the students to learn in more comfort. It is also providing improved resources in the teaching, learning environment,” said Anderson. “As I would have said all the time, in order for us to have an effective school, we must be empowered and energised by our alumni.”

In an appeal to the current students, who were on hand to witness the event, Anderson called for them to show their appreciation for the gifts by taking good care of them.

“Students, I want to tell you that the gift is from a group of past students, and just as how they have a spirit of giving, I am sure they are setting the trend so that when you leave, in years to come, you can also share your resources to ensure that we have a continuity in having our students doing exceptionally well,” said Anderson.

Regarding Nelson and her former classmates of the Form 5C Class of 1997, Anderson praised them for coming forward to assist the school, knowing that their efforts would be beneficial to today’s students.

“I know the gift is a sacrifice, but I also know that you are doing it with one intention, which is to ensure that you pass on that kind of opportunity for our students to do well,” said Anderson.