Mon | Sep 16, 2024

Churches unite to boost education opportunities

Published:Sunday | September 8, 2024 | 12:10 AMCarl Gilchrist - Gleaner Writer

United Lifeline Deliverance Church of God, St Ann’s Bay.
United Lifeline Deliverance Church of God, St Ann’s Bay.

Pastor Albertha Boswell James with some of the children who came out for the back-to-school treat held at the church recently.
Pastor Albertha Boswell James with some of the children who came out for the back-to-school treat held at the church recently.

SINCE 1991, Pastor Albertha Boswell James has been keeping back-to-school treats for children in St Ann’s Bay and nearby communities, through her Restoration of Life Mission in Christ Apostolic Church in St Ann’s Bay.

Over the past decade, just a few chains away, the United Lifeline Deliverance Church of God, with Bishop Marchillion Jarrett, has been offering scholarships and grants of a million dollars annually to fund students’ education.

In 2024, Pastor James, who is now at the Florida-based The Lord is There Ministry, and the United Lifeline, have joined forces to ensure all the offerings come from under one roof.

Approximately 300 children turned out for the back-to-school treat at the United Lifeline Church, where they were presented with school supplies, including bags, books, pencils, and other items. They were also served refreshments.

“I’m now working along with United Lifeline, I am no longer by myself,” Boswell James told The Gleaner.

“I am happy to do this yearly. I look forward to it because it brings me joy. Today was very good and I’m happy to be doing it once more,” she added.

Boswell James, who spends a lot of time in Florida, said the treat over the years has been possible because of the help she has been receiving from kindhearted people.

“I have a list of people I’d like to thank, without their support it couldn’t have been: Dr David Dada, he’s from Africa, now residing in the United States; Michael and Yvette Parker, they contribute every year, they’re Jamaicans, a lot of Jamaicans usually help; Donna Jones and her family; Attorney Lammie in Orlando, Miss Washington, Bobby and Debbie Joseph – they contribute to the purchase of the school bags; special thanks to Norma Douglas Jarrett, she’s so good, she helps get the things from the wharf, I really appreciate it. If it wasn’t for these people, I wouldn’t be able to do what I’m doing.”

Meanwhile, Bishop Jarrett hailed the collaboration with Pastor Boswell James.

“I think it’s a wonderful thing; it’s a great thing. Education is such a very important thing that we can achieve, and to help the young people who will be the men and women of tomorrow is great,” Jarrett said.

“The scholarship and grants, that is a yearly venture. We go about raising funds to give grants and scholarships to our young people,” he added.

One student from the community got a scholarship this year, while two students from Edge Hill School of Special Education received grants.

“We have five churches in the United Lifeline Deliverance and so we always try to see what we can do to help the students going back to school. Our motto is, ‘We Educate, We Build, We Restore, and We Renew’, so we establish a mandate that we must see education as a priority.

“It’s not just preaching to people and telling them about the love of God, but there are some things that are fundamental to everyday life. One of the things that is holding back Jamaica in some way is the lack of a good education, because some people don’t see it as important and so you got to partner with the parents, with Government also, as they try to do what they have to do, we as a church do what we have to do. In partnership, we can help to build the future for our young people,” Bishop Jarrett said.

Some of the persons who have benefited from United Lifeline’s goodness have gone on to become successful professionals, including teachers, doctors, lawyers, and pharmacists, he pointed out.