Sun | Sep 29, 2024

Daddy’s Girl | Remembering my father!

Published:Tuesday | June 13, 2017 | 12:00 AMMarica Mitchell
Marica Mitchell
Winston Truman Mitchell

If heaven had a courier service, I would give my life to send today's Sunday Gleaner to you. Today we celebrate Father's Day, in a week we celebrate the six-year anniversary of your death, and five days later we would have celebrated your birthday.

This month is the toughest month of the year for me, as I am flooded with all the great memories of my beloved father.

Daddy, you left your baby girl, sidekick, best friend - 'mums'- as you always say - without warning. I will never forget that Saturday, June 25, at 1:07 p.m. We had just got off the phone and you were giving me a list of things to do. I questioned and asked, why paps? Hold up, soon see you to write it all down. I had got dressed to go on our lunch date and was dropping mommy home, when Craig called to tell me you passed.

I didn't believe because I had literally just got off the phone with you. I ran with only one foot of shoe on and the other in my hand to the car, and to this very day, I cannot remember the route I took. I arrived as the paramedics did and after giving them your medical information, followed them to the hospital - and even arrived before them.




When I entered the emergency room and they shouted, "Code red", I didn't want to believe they were referring to you. I ran to find you with the doctors, there trying their hardest to save you. I was by your side. I begged the Lord to take me instead. I prayed right then and there, begging God to allow you to pull through. Your heart did not hold up, you left so suddenly and I fainted right by your bedside. I did not imagine you leaving me without notice, and I was angry at God.

You were my best friend, my confidante and God wanted to teach me a lesson. I am always a daddy's girl and have not gone a day without thinking of you. God wanted me to finally stand on my own and depend on no one. God wanted you home to crack jokes next to him while listening to Bob Marley, Michael Jackson and Luther Vandross. All the list of things you were telling me to do and reminders you were giving me made me wonder now if you knew you were going to leave us behind.

When you died, a piece of me died with you. I felt a void for years and locked out the world during the month of June. I went through a tough period of shock and denial, questioning God, "Why me?"

Looking back and reminiscing the good times and the bad, your death has taught me to live life to the fullest. We made plans to cruise, travel to Europe, and did not. Today, I take nothing for granted and enjoy every moment with my two beautiful children.

Daddy, you were an amazing man and today I salute you for being the solid rock in my life. Remembering those tough days during exams in college, you were only a phone call away even if I called at 2 a.m., stressing about my finals. You always believed in me and gave your best to your children, grandchildren, family and friends. I love you and forever will hold dearly to the great memories when you were alive. Today and every June, I salute and celebrate my father, my confidante, my rock, my paps.

But though you are gone, during the time you spent with me, you taught me something that has taken me through the toughest things in my life. Today, I share with the world the best advice my dad, Winston Truman Mitchell, has taught me.

1 Take things to the Lord in prayer! My father always taught me to believe in the higher power and reminds me that I have two fathers. God is always our Heavenly Father and he is my earthly father.

2 Believe in yourself. Never limit yourself and feel that anyone is better than you. It doesn't matter what you accomplish in life, it matters who you are.

3 Live, laugh, love and give. My dad taught me that life is worth living and never to put off what you can do today for tomorrow. He always emphasised greeting people and life with a smile, and that laughter is always good for the soul. He always reminded me to not to take anything too serious where you can't even smile. He also constantly reminded me to be grateful for my blessings and trials.

4 Never give up on life. When I am faced with hard times and felt like giving up, my father reminded my that setbacks and challenges are some of the greatest life lessons.

5 Speak your mind in a way that it is level-headed and encourages a good debate. He was a great listener and even if he was wrong, he would admit it later.