Thu | Sep 12, 2024

Auditor general backs Andrews

Published:Monday | February 13, 2017 | 12:00 AM
Monroe Ellis

Auditor General Pamela Monroe Ellis has endorsed embattled Institute of Sports (INSPORTS) Administrative Director Ian Andrews' position regarding the non-issuing of contracts for retirees Ann Marie Heron and Cloyfeld Thomas Davis.

The auditor general, in a letter dated February 3, 2017, stated her concerns that in signing the employment contracts for the retirees, the INSPORTS Chairman Lloyd Pommells may have operated in the role of an executive chairman, in breach of Decision 26 of the Accountability Framework, which states: "The position of executive chairman shall be discontinued and legislation that could conflict with this direction shall be amended accordingly."

Reports have also surfaced that the board of directors has removed the security personnel from the premises and taken files from the offices.


Further breach


Staff members have also reported that the Board has expressed the intention to remove the security cameras that the management had installed sometime ago. These actions would further breach the Board's Authority.

The board also introduced David Mais to act in the role of administrative director without a hearing for Andrews. This again is not in keeping with government policies and procedures.

Andrews has been suspended since February 7, albeit with pay, pending an investigation into allegations of misconduct.

It has also been learnt that Andrews has retained the services of labour attorney John L. Bassie to represent his case.

Andrews has been involved in an ongoing conflict with the INSPORTS board of directors since September 2013. In that year, the Public Accounts Committee of Parliament said the former broadcaster failed to report to the Auditor General's Department in a performance audit of the agency.