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CARICOM welcomes restoration of order in Bolivia

Published:Saturday | June 29, 2024 | 12:08 AM
Former Air Force Commander Marcelo Zegarra is escorted by police in handcuffs in La Paz, Bolivia, yesterday. The government announced more arrests over their alleged involvement in what President Luis Arce called a coup attempt.
Former Air Force Commander Marcelo Zegarra is escorted by police in handcuffs in La Paz, Bolivia, yesterday. The government announced more arrests over their alleged involvement in what President Luis Arce called a coup attempt.


The Caribbean Community on Thursday welcomed the restoration of law and order in the South American nation of Bolivia following Wednesday’s attempted coup against President Luis Arce and his government.

In a statement, the regional body said it “deplores any use of force to overthrow democratically elected governments. We reaffirm our guiding principles of respect for democracy and the rule of law, and stand in solidarity with the government and people of Bolivia.”

On Wednesday, the South American nation of 12 million watched in shock and bewilderment as military forces appeared to turn on the government of President Luis Arce, seizing control of the capital’s main square with armoured vehicles, repeatedly crashing a small tank into the presidential palace and unleashing teargas on protesters.

However, Arce thwarted the attempted overthrow as Army General Juan Jose Zuniga was arrested, hours after he led troops and tanks to storm the presidential palace in the capital, La Paz.

Arce from the left-wing Movement for Socialism party hailed the failed coup bid, calling it a victory for Bolivia’s democracy.

“Many thanks to the Bolivian people. Long live democracy,” he said, after asserting control over the military.

Arce’s victory came after nearly a year of political turmoil after longtime left-wing President Evo Morales was forced to resign in 2019 after disputed election results.

Bolivia has had a long history of political instability – there have been almost 40 attempted or successful coups since 1946.

The failed takeover took place as the landlocked South American country of some 12 million people struggles with a spiralling economic crisis that has sparked street protests in recent months.