Tue | Sep 24, 2024

Advice for Golding

Published:Monday | January 11, 2010 | 12:00 AM

The Editor, Sir:

For the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP), the most important strategy going forward, in relation to winning another election, has to be one of communication and explanation. Jamaicans will trust any adminis-tration that recognises that, as a people, we are not all dumb and ignorant and incapable of under-standing the issues.

Ignorance and stupidity are perpetuated when those who we elect to lead underestimate our intelligence and feed us lies and half-truths. We deserve and demand better from our elected leaders, both from the JLP and the People's National Party (PNP). If the administration is honest about its governance, in relation to developing Jamaica, then just tell us the truth about what you are doing and how you are doing it. We will reward truth, but we must believe that it is truth. We believe that there is truth when there is transparency or, in other words, openness.

Political one-upmanship

While there are thousands of Jamaicans who could care less about national interest above political one-upmanship due to loyalty to either the PNP or the JLP, there is a slow but sure sophistication creeping into the psyche of the Jamaican people. Slowly, the electorate is becoming more sophisticated, and that is why the JLP hit home by only an edge in the last election. Irrespective of the amount of money spent, it only defeated the PNP by a nose, to use horse-racing terms. What does this mean? It means that, irrespective of the loyalties and money spent - and it is believed that there are more PNP loyalists than JLP - the electorate will eventually reward those we believe are more deserving of our votes at a particular time. We cannot turn back from that.

The Bruce Golding administration can win over PNP supporters by 'jookin' them with truth, honesty and transparency. Golding will always be one step ahead of the Opposition, simply by telling the people the truth. Again, people reward truth. You see, we know when the Opposition is being less than honest. We knew they were being less than honest when they said the Government's failure to extradite West Kingston strongman, 'Dudus', was having an impact on the high murder rate. Most of us are smarter than that.

Do not for a second doubt that we don't know when the Government or Opposition is playing politics and so, we say to Mr Golding, if you want us to return you to power to finish what you have started, then just simply reason with us. We will understand. If you don't, then those who wish for you to fail will try to bombard our minds with half-truths and political 'ginnalship'. You still have two and a half years to show us what you can do. Don't let us down.

I am, etc.,

