Tue | Sep 24, 2024

Cooper's low blows

Published:Monday | January 11, 2010 | 12:00 AM

The Editor, Sir:

Carolyn Cooper is at it again! This time she is not just throwing punches like a skilled boxer, but she has begun to fire punches way below the belt.

I observe that the goodly Dr Cooper is professor not only in literary studies but also cultural studies. This should at least qualify her to make not just an appraisal of the literary contents of the male writer's email she made public in her article yesterday, but she should have taken into consideration the gentleman's authentic use of 'Jamaican' (patois). Or maybe, Carolyn struggles to accept what would identify her with being genuinely Jamaican; just as how she struggles to accept the other genuine universities in Jamaica.

Educational monopoly?

Listen Dr Cooper: UWI has made its mark on this nation by educating stalwarts who continue to serve this nation and the wider world, but what makes you think that UWI has a monopoly on education in this country? By the way, one's education is not just tested by subject-verb agreements, spellings and punctuations. Education is not just of the head but also the heart. And one of the hallmarks of a truly educated person is her ability to be tolerant of others and remaining humble, even while knowledge oozes from her brow. Knowledge is power, but only when you share it, not hoarding it to yourself.

I viewed a clip on a popular cable station some months ago, only to see some petite-looking UWI female students showing off body parts and making violent pelvic thrusts at the sound of loud daggering-like dancehall music and, for the first time, I understood what the term 'intellectual ghetto' meant.

Carolyn keep your stones to yourself and stop hurling them at your proverbial dogs (universities apart from UWI).

I am, etc.,



Christiana, Manchester