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Published:Friday | March 5, 2010 | 12:00 AM

Disturbing trend among men

Our men in the today's society seem confused about their identity. In my daily life, it is surprising to see so many of the men I encounter attired in tight-fitting clothing somewhat similar to the female dress code.

What has got in our males? This is common, especially among the less-educated and men posing as thugs. Both men and women have also been indulging in body piercing including of the ears and eyebrows; they wear extensions and beads in the hair and surprisingly among men, nail polish.

Is piercing one's ears and body parts, wearing extensions appealing to the opposite sex for a man? A man should respect his identity and should not submit to peer pressure and other negative influences.

Howard Scott

Knox Community College

No kangaroo court

While admitting that the Dudus extradition case should be determined by the courts, I do not think that a kangaroo court is the way to go. Saying that the justice minister should sign the extradition papers and then resign is preposterous. To ask Attorney General Dorothy Lightbourne to 'dash weh' her integrity, one upon which I should assume that her position as justice minister is also based, shows the real level of respect that a lot of us Jamaicans have for both the law and the fundamental rights of others.

Most Jamaicans know that many politicians are linked to unsavoury characters, as evident in their attending funerals and lavish parties, and also in political campaigning. They continue to laugh in our faces and point fingers at each other without reproach, dignity or respect as they are above the law.

It is time for Jamaicans who really want the country to move forward to seek alternative ways of progress, instead of living off America's 'eye top'.

A. Belnavis, Kingston 9

Editorial contempt

I am amazed at the contempt your editorial of March 3 exhibits towards your fellow Jamaican. One could easily believe the editorial was written the day before the prime minister responded to the US claims.

You pass over the crucial information the prime minister presented. He said the wiretap was illegally obtained and, as such, the attorney general could not proceed with a case that violates Jamaica law.

I would think you would be more concerned with ensuring that the Jamaican Government abides by Jamaica law. That sounds like exactly the problem in Jamaica over the years. People only keep the law as long as it doesn't cause them inconvenience.

I do not care who this case is against, the Government should follow the law in this and every case.

Charles Jackson