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LETTER OF THE DAY: Excellence at Seaview Health Centre

Published:Saturday | January 1, 2011 | 12:00 AM

The Editor, Sir:

On Christmas Eve, I had two reasons to visit the Seaview Gardens Health Centre: my son needed a dental procedure and my mother needed to see the doctor. The experience has left me very happy and proud. The first remarkable thing was, this was Christmas Eve and the entire staff not only reported for duty, but came on time.

On entering the premises, the security guard, Ms Jacobs, met us with a wheelchair and took our mother to the waiting area. She then advised me to register her. The registry clerk, Ms Cain, instantly recognised the name and asked for her "little friend". She hugged her and welcomed her back.

Ms Thomas (chief health aide) took her weight and sent her off to Nurse Sylvester (family nurse practitioner). All of this was within half an hour! My mother received a rare balance of professional and caring treatment which, to be honest, I really have stopped expecting from our public institutions. Both Nurse Sylvester and Dr Morrison examined her thoroughly, engaged us in their deliberations and, in laypersons terms, outlined how the health issues would be managed.

Reassuring nurse

Good so far, but I was yet to meet Nurse McFarquhar. She was motherly, gentle and reassuring. She had to perform most of the procedures my mother required, and though it was painful and tedious, Nurse McFarquhar did and said everything to make her comfortable. Then, not to be outdone, male orderly, Mr Taylor, put his special training in lifting a patient to the test and passed with flying colours.

Next stop was with the intriguing Nurse Allen at the dental clinic. I went in to hear her counselling my teenage son on the importance of academic achievement, choosing suitable friends and making parents proud, even as she did her routine examination. I could hug her! Sometimes my son thinks I am a worn-out record, so it was good to hear it coming from a source from which he would least expect it. My son liked her instantly and jokingly said she was serious as a heart attack!

I kept remembering this was Christmas Eve. The norm at some government agencies at this time of year is either low or no staff turn-out and when they do come, they watch the clock as if it were a time bomb! They are usually grouchy, silently wishing they had stayed home! Yet here was a group of obviously committed staff giving us the treatment so many patients long for and so few receive. I felt like I was with a family.

Preferential treatment

I wish to point out that no one knew my role in civic society and as such, I was not given preferential treatment. As a matter of fact, one of the nurses referred to me as "the little young lady in the jeans!" I smiled. It really felt good to be with people who were genuine and kind.

There are 14 persons who are assigned to the clinic. Space will not permit me to mention everyone by name. You all are exceptional and your service is highly appreciated. On behalf of my family and the residents of Seaview Gardens, I say a very big "thank you. Keep delivering this exemplary service and the very best for 2011".

I am, etc.,