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Palisadoes project is not in limbo

Published:Monday | February 21, 2011 | 12:00 AM


An article published in The Gleaner on Thursday, February 17, under the caption 'Palisadoes project in limbo', suggested that work on the Palisadoes Shoreline Protection and Rehabilitation project has been put on hold. I wish to state that there is no truth to such a suggestion.

The US$65-million project is being executed by the Government through a loan from the China EXIM Bank and a signed contract with China Harbour Engineering Company, and those commitments remain intact. We intend to have the project completed within the specified timeline of two years.

While there are discussions under way between the Ministry of Finance and the International Monetary Fund regarding the country's overall approach to expenditure, given the existing fiscal challenges, the commitments to the Palisadoes project remain in place.

To this end, the work continues on this very important project, with raw material (stones) being delivered daily. The rock revetment has also commenced on the Caribbean Sea side of the Palisadoes road.

I assure all stakeholders in the project that the undertaking that has been given to ensuring a more reliable access to one of the country's main gateways, and the protection of the Kingston shoreline, is not in limbo, but is being actively pursued.

I am, etc.,


Minister of Transport and Works