Tue | Jun 25, 2024

Puzzled by study on mental illness

Published:Monday | February 21, 2011 | 12:00 AM


Thank you so much, Mr Ainsley Deer, for a very clear and insightful column about the perceived high rate of personality disorders in Jamaica, published in The Sunday Gleaner of February 20.

I was mostly puzzled by the findings of Hickling/Paisley, as I did not see the correlation of psychotic behaviour in my neighbours, co-workers, family and friends. If nearly half of us are psychologically challenged, it would be my expectation to know at least three people with mental problems. I know none.

Your queries into the background of the study, such as whether the samples were measured against a Jamaican norm, among other things, really gave me more food for thought.

I particularly liked your statement: "We are not mentally ill; we are just angry and frustrated because the space is not being created in our own country and by our own people for us to grow and excel." This is so true, and I hope that the powers that be will start working on creating the space for us to exercise our energies.

I am, etc.,

