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Dancehall, a real pain in the ear

Published:Monday | February 21, 2011 | 12:00 AM


About two weeks ago, I read an article by a 'published' lecturer concerning dancehall - its evolution from slavery to its present form. I don't recall much of its contents now, except a phrase asserting that dancehall is the most persecuted art form in Jamaica.

This sentiment surprised me, as I had never thought of dancehall as being 'victimised' in any way. In my opinion, it seems to enjoy great latitude - on the airwaves, in clubs, on the roadside, in public transportation, in schools and churches. It is, by and large, the preferred music of young people, and this suggests to me that it has an abiding influence that will not soon fade away.

On the other hand, there seems to be little regard for others who do not wish to be bombarded by dancehall music. I refer specifically to the sound-system operators, especially those in the Red Hills Road area of Valentine Gardens and Red Hills Gardens, who consistently blare their music from dusk till dawn, unmindful of children's need for restful sleep or an adult's need for peace of mind.

Mixed in with everything

I also refer to certain radio stations that have a preference for dancehall so pronounced that it is mixed in with hip hop and R&B, making it virtually impossible to listen to those genres without having to tolerate dancehall too. Consequently, Music 99 FM is a balm for sore ears.

I would never suggest doing away with dancehall music, as people have the right to listen to whatever they choose, as long as it does not disturb or offend others in the sanctuary of their homes in the process.

In this respect, dancehall music is a nuisance, because, generally, those who do play it do so not only for themselves, but for their communities as well. I am almost sure the esteemed lecturer does not live in a community like Valentine Gardens, where she could be disturbed by dancehall. No doubt, if she were so inclined, she would call the police to uphold the Noise Abatement Act in her neighbourhood. I, conversely, have a devil of a time getting that done.

I am, etc.,

