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Taking a chance for happiness

Published:Sunday | March 6, 2011 | 12:00 AM
A flower and sea shell creation.
Driftwood used for a clever design.
A flower and sea shell creation.
Sabrina Reynolds at her flower shop in Stony Hill, St Andrew. - Photo by Robert Lalah

Robert Lalah, Assistant Editor-Features

Six years ago, Sabrina Reynolds sat in her tiny cubicle at a St Andrew bank, bored out of her mind. She was doing well at her job and even liked the people she worked with, but her heart just was not into it.

"I guess I'm just really not an office kind of person. I always want to be outside, getting my hands dirty," she laughed.

So Sabrina, at the ripe old age of 28, decided to quit.

"Everyone was telling me that it was a crazy idea. They were really concerned."

But her mind was made up. Even though she had no money, no other job lined up and no family to help her out, Sabrina handed in her resignation and walked out into an uncertain future.

The one thing she knew was that she wanted to work with plants.

"I've always loved plants and working with different designs," she said.

Since she was a teenager, Sabrina would spend all her free time working with plants. Her greatest joy would come from seeing a new bloom take shape, or from someone complimenting her on one of her floral creations.

"It's the thing in life that makes me happier than anything else. It has always been my hobby and I would even visit flower shows and sell a few plants," Sabrina said.

So after quitting her job, Sabrina went into working with plants full time. Her hobby became her entire life.

"I've never been happier," she said, smiling.

Sabrina worked from home for a few years but in 2009, she opened her first flower shop in the area known as Red Gal Ring in Stony Hill. It's called Unusual Creations and is the realisation of the lifelong dream of a farmer's daughter.

She works there alone, taking care of all the plants and doing all the heavy lifting.

"Anything that needs to be done, I will do it. I'm not afraid of work, especially since it's something I enjoy."

Sales have been slow so far, but word-of-mouth has been building. She has also taken to Facebook to get the word out.

"I mean, I haven't really started making any money yet, but that will come in time. I tell you though, when I walk around in the area around the back where the plants are, I'm happier than anyone in this world," she said.