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Online feedback

Published:Tuesday | August 30, 2011 | 12:00 AM
Below is excerpted feedback from online readers to The Gavel of Monday, August 29, titled 'Please, Shaw, no three-card trick'.

confidence in finance minister

I trust Audley Shaw. Has Mr Shaw Finsac'd or done any "run wid it" initiatives yet? Instead, Mr Shaw has reorganised our economy to bring stability (with low inflation, stable currency, low interest rates) and now growth, despite international challenges like low bauxite demand, high oil prices, getting tourists to travel from countries that have economic challenges, reduced remittances, etc.

Jamaica is now in a position to go secure low-interest loans to create "jobs, jobs, jobs", unlike a few years ago when jobs were mostly created by the Government.

- John Blake45

catastrophic tenure

Brian Wynter has not set out what the supposed "gains" are. Mr Shaw has doubled the debt and doubled the level of poverty. His tenure has been an unmitigated disaster.

And, worst of all, is that he seems to always want to hide information from the public. Where are the unemployment numbers for the last quarter?

- Rthurston2005

shaw must review import agreements

Mr Shaw should take a look at these incentives that are offered to importers, manufacturers and others to see which ones are really working, in terms of sustaining jobs and allowing for better prices from which he is collecting revenue through consumer spending.

It's no use to continue the incentive programme if it's not having the desired effects, where the businesses that are involved will pass on the savings to the consumers, so they will continue spending and keep the money rolling into the coffers of the Government through the GCT.

I also hope that he will now see that the proposed 30-day tax reform discussion won't be enough time to come to a balanced strategy in order to be able to make any significant change in the tax structure which will resulting in the changes that will help grow the economy and put people to work!

- Noshel

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