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When will the tug of war stop?

Published:Saturday | April 27, 2013 | 12:00 AM


As I sat in Gordon House on April 23 and 25 and listened to our politicians hurl insults at each other, I couldn't help but think about some of my unruly students who I encounter every day. The teacher in me wanted to stand up and tell them to be quiet and show respect for each other, but I guess I would have been escorted out of the gallery.

The leader of the Opposition, Andrew Holness, drove into the People's National Party administration the error of adding more taxes to an already highly taxed economy, and this should not be shoved under the carpet. The Government is stubborn, hard-headed and mad with power like the character Gollum from Lord of the Rings. The Opposition is more open to change. When will the tug of war stop? When will the green card become our last option?

"Banded belly" or "bang belly", whichever it may be, our economy is in crisis. The PNP Government is like a bunch of children in a classroom. They are doing a fairly good job, but when you point out their errors, they frown and are unwilling to accept them.

Opposition Leader Andrew Holness gave the Government 10 recommendations to help the economy. It is refreshing to see him carrying out his promise to move away from the traditional method of opposing. His graphic representation, with the baskets, sent everyone in Parliament into frenzy: some laughed, some jeered, but I was in awe.

We all agree that the JLP formed the Government in tough times, trying to lead us out of a recession, but its efforts were underappreciated.

I am inclined to agree with 'Dicky' Crawford that our Government should be mature enough to consider some of these suggestions.

I will admit that I am one of the Jamaicans who voted for the PNP based on family tradition, and not from an objective position. I must also say that the first cut is the deepest.

Kudos to Peter Phillips in his decision to cut back spending and put money towards paying off our debt. But there is so much more to be achieved if the Government stops for a moment and focuses on what Jamaica needs, and not on gaining and sustaining power. We are tired of a Gollum-like government.


Craighead, Manchester