Sat | Sep 28, 2024

Women must be strong, independent

Published:Friday | July 12, 2013 | 12:00 AM


After reading the sad story in Dear Counsellor of the child who is being molested by her father (Gleaner, 'Dad's molesting my sister', July 10, 2013), I am appalled at the recommendation that was offered.

I dare say that the child's mother, sister, and the person giving the advice to her sister are also responsible for not reporting the crime.

The counsellor should be ashamed for advising the sister to give the mother a second chance. This is a crime and should be reported immediately.

As adults, we must protect the welfare of these children. These paedophiles need to be behind bars.

It is for this reason that these women should be more assertive and independent so they can protect the welfare of their children and stop being so dependent on the man/husband for a dollar. Get a job and an education and fend for yourselves.